How To Make Your Own YouTube Shorts (Step-By-Step Guide)

how to make youtube shorts

Want to make your youtube channel stand out from the rest?

In this blog, we'll teach you everything you need to know to start making Youtube shorts that will get your message out there. From planning the content to writing the talking points to recording and uploading the video, we'll walk you through every step of the process.

Wouldn't it be great if all your videos were short and to the point? With video content marketing, you can reach a large audience on a shoestring budget. And since YouTube is such a popular platform, your shorts will have a chance to go viral and reach a lot of people.

Learn how to make a YouTube short and start making videos that will get your message out there!

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What Equipment Do I Need To Make Youtube Shorts?

To film Youtube Shorts, you will need some basic equipment to get started. At a minimum, you will need a camera or smartphone to record your video.

You can read more about our top picks for the best budget cameras for YouTube beginners

Or click here to read more about the best cameras on a phone.

A tripod or other stabilization device can be helpful for keeping the camera steady and ensuring quality footage.

Additionally, you may want to invest in lighting equipment to ensure your videos are properly lit and look professional.

For audio, you will need a microphone to capture sound clearly as well as headphones and speakers to monitor the audio while recording and editing.

Last but not least, don’t forget about storage space; it’s important to have ample space on your computer or external hard drive so that you are able to save all of your projects safely. With these items in hand, you should be ready to start making great Youtube Shorts!

What Software Do I Need To Make Youtube Shorts?

To create Youtube Shorts, you will need a few pieces of software. At the very least, you'll need video editing software to create and edit your clips.

Popular choices include Adobe Premiere Pro, and Final Cut Pro, though there are many free options available as well. Our favorite free editing software is Davinci Resolve which started out as a color grading tool for professional editors and has everything you need to edit your videos for free.

Additionally, you'll need a graphics program like Photoshop or Canva to add titles and logos to your videos.

Finally, an audio editor such as Audacity (free software) can be used to sweeten and enhance the sound of your shorts. With these tools in hand, you'll be ready to create professional-looking Youtube Shorts!

how to make youtube shorts

How To Make Youtube Shorts?

Creating Youtube Shorts is a great way to quickly and easily create engaging content for your viewers. With this feature, you can also take existing videos and chop them up into 15 seconds up to 60-second clips that are perfect for sharing on social media or embedding in blog posts.

To optimize Youtube Shorts, you'll need access to a video editing tool, as well as an understanding of how to edit video clips.

Before beginning, it's important to brainstorm the concept of your Youtube Short so that each clip flows naturally.

You'll also want to research what kind of content will resonate with your audience so that you can create something both entertaining and informative.

Once you have all the necessary tools in place, you're ready to start creating YouTube Shorts!

Develop Channel Strategy For YouTube Shorts

If you have decided to start a YouTube Shorts channel, it is important to create a channel strategy. Begin by picking a specific niche or topic for your videos and research other popular channels in the same space.

Consider what makes those channels successful and decide on the type of content you will produce. Once you have established the main theme of your channel, develop an effective content plan that includes short videos with catchy titles, engaging descriptions and high-quality visuals. Utilize social media platforms to promote your content and engage with existing viewers and potential viewers alike.

Additionally, link out to related content for further exploration and provide regular updates about future uploads to keep people interested in your channel. Lastly, focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your audience rather than producing videos just for the sake of it.

Finally, engaging with viewers and subscribers through comments, likes, and shares can help to boost viewership on your YouTube Shorts channel. With a strong strategy in place, you will be able to create successful YouTube shorts that grow both your audience and your revenue stream.

Create A Content Plan

Creating a content plan for YouTube Shorts clips is essential for any successful channel. It’s important to take notes on your viewers' comments and listen to subscribers feedback in order to build out the best possible content plan.

To make sure you are giving your viewers the information they need, you should consider taking polls or surveys to get a better sense of what people want and need from your channel.

Additionally, you can use analytics data to figure out which topics are most popular with your viewers, then create shorts around those topics. By carefully curating content that is tailored to your audience, you can ensure that your channel will be successful.

YouTube Studio Setup (mise-en-place)

Having a dedicated YouTube studio setup in your home is an excellent way to ensure that you always have the necessary equipment and tools available for creating quality videos. You can designate an entire room or a portion of one for this purpose, allowing you to easily show up everyday and record videos and shorts. One less thing that will hold you back from recording more engaging videos.

Make sure the area is well-lit and has a comfortable chair, microphone, and other equipment you may need. Additionally, you should ensure that the background of your set-up does not include any distractions that could be seen in the video. Finally, to make sure your recordings are clear, add some sound dampening materials on walls and ceilings.

Click here to find the best budget camera for YouTube.

A well-equipped space also allows you to make quick adjustments and changes on the fly while filming so that everything looks perfect in the final product. Having a designated area also reduces clutter and helps keep things organized between projects. Ultimately, having a dedicated YouTube studio setup will help make video creation much easier and more efficient.

Write Out Your Talking Points

Writing out your talking points for each video is an important step in the creation of a YouTube short. It allows you to have a clear structure and ensures that your content remains concise and on-point. Be sure that your talking points are actionable, so that viewers feel encouraged to take some form of action after watching your video. Think about the main points that you want to get across and how they can be used to engage with viewers.

Consider what visuals or other elements can be used to support your message and connect with the audience. Finally, consider how long each point should take up in the video and make sure that it reflects the overall message you want to convey. Writing out your talking points will help ensure that you create an effective YouTube short.

In order to maximize the watch time of your YouTube Shorts, it is important to make sure that you end each short with a sentence or thought that connects back to the beginning.

By doing this, viewers will be able to watch your short in a loop and view it multiple times. This increases the likelihood that they will share your content with others and increase your viewership.

Additionally, ending each short with a cohesive thought allows viewers to become more familiar with your channel, as well as any messages or themes you are trying to communicate. As an added bonus, it provides a satisfying conclusion for viewers and encourages them to watch more of your videos.

Don't forget to ask the viewers to subscribe to your channel.

how to make youtube shorts

Get Started With YouTube Shorts (Beginner's Guide)

YouTube's Shorts Feature is an exciting new way to create, share and discover videos. With the introduction of YouTube Shorts, creators can quickly create short-form mobile video content in an easy and fun way.

YouTube Shorts also provides a great platform for viewers to easily find and watch short-form content that they are interested in. Now is the time to get started with creating your own YouTube Shorts!

Create A Short

In order to create a Youtube short start recording on your camera or smartphone, it is important to have the right equipment. You should first be sure you have a good quality camera or smartphone that can capture good resolution video. Once you have set up your recording device, it is time to start filming!

Make sure to frame yourself or the product you want to showcase in a way that looks visually appealing and professional. If you are wanting to show part of your computer screen, be sure to adjust the brightness and contrast so they can be seen clearly in the video. Lastly, don't forget to include audio if applicable. After all of this has been taken care of, press record and begin shooting your Youtube short!

When creating YouTube Shorts, it is important to be aware of the correct video recording orientation and frame size. Videos must be recorded in the vertical or portrait orientation and then cropped to the 9:16 aspect ratio. This will make sure that your content will look great when viewed on any device and in any orientation.

Additionally, this ensures that your videos are optimized for the YouTube Shorts shelf feed, which displays vertically oriented videos in a carousel-style display. YouTube Shorts also benefit from an extra boost from the algorithm when they adhere to these standards, helping to increase their visibility and reach more viewers. Therefore, understanding these requirements beforehand is essential for creating successful YouTube Shorts.

Time to hit that record button on your camera!

Edit Your Videos

Editing your videos is a great way to make an impact and get your message across. When editing, it’s important to crop for the correct aspect ratio of the vertical video. Try to keep it within 60 seconds, ideally 15 seconds or less.

Adding background music and a background can help bring the video to life, especially if you used a greenscreen. Music can evoke certain emotions in your viewers and provide context for what they are watching.

A good background can also help tie everything together and create a cohesive piece of work. With thoughtful editing, you can ensure that your videos make an impact on those who watch them.

At CreatorsCrave, we recommend using Davinci Resolve free of charge to edit your videos, thus you can tailor the Shorts precisely to your preferences.

Editing Checklist:

  1. crop or select for 9:16 aspect ratio
  2. remove filler words or long pauses
  3. add music (trending music)
  4. add background
  5. add text or subtitles at the bottom of the screen
  6. export your video

Upload YouTube Shorts

When uploading, it's important to use the hashtag #shorts so that the YouTube algorithm knows how to categorize your video. You can also pre-schedule your shorts so they will be published when you want them to. This can help you reach a wider audience, as people may be more likely to watch something that has been published at a certain time.

Add a title and thumbnail in the youtube app that really entices somebody that scrolls through YouTube to click on your video instead of somebody elses.

Additionally, using the #shorts hashtag will make it easier for viewers to find your YouTube content as it will appear in searches related to that topic. To ensure maximum visibility of your content, consider also tagging relevant keywords and creating engaging titles that accurately describe your videos and draw attention from potential viewers.

Consistency Is Key

Uploading YouTube Shorts videos on a consistent basis is essential for building an audience and gaining traction. Not only does it give your viewers something to look forward to, but it also gives them an opportunity to click the notification bell on your channel and be alerted when new content is available. Consistent uploads can help create a sense of anticipation and excitement among viewers, which in turn helps keep them engaged with your channel.

Additionally, regular updates will ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and topics in your niche, which can help you attract more viewers. If you're serious about growing your YouTube channel, be sure you create a schedule and upload a video regularly so that your viewers know when to expect new content.

how to make youtube shorts

Repurpose Shorts From Existing YouTube Videos (BONUS POINT)

Repurposing YouTube videos for short-form videos can be a great way to keep your content fresh and engaging. If you already have some longer videos on your channel, consider using shorts from existing videos and cutting them up into short snippets that you can reuse as shorts. This will help you keep your content interesting and creative, while also allowing you to reuse existing material. Not only will this help with getting more views, but it will also save you time in the long run.

Additionally, using a video you've already published allows you to focus on specific topics and present them in an easily digestible format. With today's ever-evolving technology, repurposing YouTube videos is easier than ever before—so why not give it a try?

Posting a video on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Facebook is an effective way to reach more people. It has the same aspect ratio across all three platforms, so it's not much additional work to upload them on these other social media platforms.

Plus, with the right hashtags and captions, you can widen your reach even further. Doing this allows you to target different audiences who may be interested in your content. For example, if you post a funny video on TikTok and Instagram Reels but want to reach more business-minded individuals, posting the same video on Facebook could be beneficial as well.

Additionally, when posting on multiple platforms at once, you will have access to data from each platform that can help inform future content strategies. So don’t forget to post your videos across all three major social media outlets for maximum exposure!

How To Create YouTube Shorts For Your Own Channel

Creating YouTube Shorts for your own channel can be a great way to stand out from the crowd and engage with your audience. You don’t need any fancy equipment, just a budget camera or smartphone and some creativity.

By following these tips, you will be able to create engaging YouTube Shorts quickly and easily. With the right strategy, you can use these shorts to promote your channel and grow your audience.

So get creative and start making those videos! With the right combination of quality content, interesting topics, and engaging visuals, you will be able to publish YouTube Shorts that capture the attention of your viewers.

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Fellow video maker and entertainer! Craving film gear like any other passionate content creator, so might as well share the reviews for you to enjoy! :)